Potatoes Rule

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Spuds, all warty and lined up, fiercely control our borders Do you have whitish skin and go to church, or intend to Wanna have lotsa kids and play sport and the stock market  OK, in you go, get on with … Continued

Thanks for the Belly Laughs ALP

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— making strine fashionable, de-regulating the banks Bob Hawke got my rusted-on Liberal family voting left and Paul Keating got men slightly fashion-embarrassed Gough fixed up the family court but used the wrong banker You can’t help chuckling, can you, … Continued

Wards in Local Government

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A quick trip inland reveals the dire state of the planet: water shortages, slaughtered creatures left on roadsides; and cities threatened by dust or flames. It is a relief to get back to our stormy coastline where forests entice the … Continued

Sticks and Stones

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We used to say: sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me Now we know that guns and hateful poison words Killed innocent children, mothers and sons of us all Give one man a gun … Continued

Ita and All

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We don’t really need Ita do we we already have the dribbling sandstone warrior  on Radio National to cure us of radical thoughts and real estate agents chanting their mantras on ABC tv   but then Ita just might have … Continued


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In just one news broadcast on Radio National recently I heard the following three stunning statements: Integrity of the institution trumps child protection Escape channels could’ve saved the over-crowded fish Just an extra 10c per litre will help our struggling … Continued

Oil and Rudeness

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The last meeting of the Colac Otway Shire council held in Apollo Bay was frightful and embarrassing. The Mayor failed to call to order cheeky children  or a rude adult from Kennett River who called out a most inappropriate comment. … Continued