To hell with Pell and Industrial Agriculture

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Now that we have heard the sordid details, to hell with Pell.

You can’t blame god or the devil for a paedophile church.

I suppose the only reason we care is the way the churches 

conduct so much of Australia’s education and welfare.

May I suggest we stop idolising the churches, and bombs and jet fighters

and spend up big on creating a truly modern, secular society.

We’re also collectively responsible for choking to hideous death

millions of live fish, sheep and cattle because we can’t see 

how to feed, clothe or house ourselves

 without resorting to stupid industrial agricultural policies.

We know we shouldn’t put rice paddies and cotton farms in deserts 

or exploit rivers and aquifers to irrigate them; or log beautiful rainforests.

But neither should we permit squalid shipping of live animals overseas.

May the grey nomads pause as they wander around 

and spend a little time and effort to learn from our first peoples;

how to respect our neighbours and understand our natural  boundaries.